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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates


January 29, 2011
Slavery--From our perspective of post-abolition and civil rights, it is difficult to understand the teaching of God’s Law about slavery.
Resting the Earth--During the seventh year people were not to work the land.
Poor, but No Poor--Gleaning was not the only provision made for the poor in the Law of God for ancient Israel.
Remember You Were Slaves--The motivation for caring for the poor through the institution of gleaning was the memory of what it was like to be oppressed and enslaved in Egypt.


January 25, 2011
Gleaning--Paul’s instruction to the Thessalonians, that any who would not work should not eat, derives from the institution of gleaning.
Loans before the Seventh Year--Remembering that, at the Sabbath year, all debts were cancelled, some might be unwilling to help their neighbor with a loan.

The Disabled

January 23, 2011
The Disabled--Communities in ancient Israel were expected to “go the extra mile” with those in their midst who were disabled.
The Poor with Us--Helping the poor in our day is typically a project accomplished “at a distance,” as it were.

Justice at Law

January 21, 2011
Justice at Law--We are familiar with the complaints that the American system of justice leans toward the wealthy and takes advantage of the poor.
The Least of These--We note also the special attention given to caring for widows and orphans.
Strangers and Sojourners--"You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt."

Altogether Now

January 18, 2011
Altogether Now--Help to the poor comes most profitably when it is in the form of a loan.
Caring for the Poor--Jesus reminded us that we would always have opportunities to care for the poor, and that we should be faithful in doing so (Mk. 14.7). The eighth commandment Deuteronomy 15.11 “‘For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, “You shall…


January 16, 2011
Man-stealing--While slavery was allowed in ancient Israel, trade in slaves appears to have been discouraged.
Love Your Enemies--The Law of God included the rudiments for loving not only our neighbors but also our enemies.

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