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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
A Work of Conviction--We have already seen that the Law of God is able to define and expose sin, so that sinners might see their need for repentance and cry out to God for mercy. The fact that we have become believers in Jesus Christ, so that our sins are…
An Inward Work--I frequently hear from others that keeping the Law of God leads to hypocrisy and self-righteousness, like the Pharisees of old. Certainly there is a measure of truth in that. But...
The Promise of the Father--Reading, meditating on, and following the Law of God gives us a greater appreciation of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ and, thus, enables us to know the salvation of God more fully and completely.
Eternal Glory--The believer’s ultimate hope of glory awaits us beyond time and history, in a new heavens and new earth where righteousness dwells.
To Advance the Kingdom--The Gospel that Jesus and the apostles proclaimed is the Gospel of the Kingdom (cf. Matt. 4.17, 23; Acts 20.25). It heralds the astonishing news that a new epoch has begun in human history, ...
Redeemed for Good Works--In the Gospel we insist that men are not saved by works. To try to use the Law of God – or any standard of human righteousness – as a means of redemption is to fall short of God’s glory.
The Way to God’s Promises--The Gospel, as every believer knows, holds out the promise of eternal life through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Free from Wrath--The Good News that guilty sinners need to hear is that God has made a way for them to dwell in His presence forever, without fear of judgment or wrath (Rom. 8.1). That way is through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Fulfilled and Satisfied--Central to the Gospel is the work of Jesus Christ, what He has accomplished on our behalf so that we might know God and dwell in His presence without fear.
To Expose the Sins of Men--We have seen that the Law of God is to be used lawfully, and not unlawfully. We use the Law of God lawfully when we look to it to define sin and when we listen as it speaks to us of the character of God.


March 20, 2011
Just--The scale is an excellent symbol for justice, which helps us to understand why it is so universally employed. Uses of the Law: Make Known the Character of God (7) T. M. Moore “The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and…


March 19, 2011
Wise--The wisdom of God is revealed in His Law; by obeying that Law, God’s people display wisdom to the surrounding world – God’s wisdom, not theirs. Uses of the Law: Make Known the Character of God (6) T. M. Moore “Keep them and do them, for that will be your…


March 18, 2011
Good--The very meaning of “good” inheres in the character of God.
Holy and Loving--The eternal, self-existing, self-revealing God, the Creator of worlds and the Redeemer of His people, the altogether sovereign Lord of heaven and earth is holy, and He commands the people He has chosen for Himself to be holy as well (Lev. 11.44)


March 16, 2011
Sovereign--The people of Israel were made to understand, by the revelation God made to them in His Law, that He has all authority and power to accomplish whatever He commands.

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