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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (7) The study and keeping of God’s Law must be a high priority in our souls.
The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (6) Justice is God’s Law practiced in all human relations.
The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (5) Honoring our parents and forebears teaches us self-control and love.
The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (4) The Lord’s Day should be a training-ground for the conscience.
The Rule of Law: Government of the Mind (3) We love God and neighbor by and unto holiness.
The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (2) The second value is like unto the first.
The Rule of Law: Government of the Conscience (1) Here is the governing value of the soul.
This is a Test--Occasional tests keep God’s people reflecting on the Law of God.
The Witness of Creation--God’s Law speaks to caring for His creation, which reminds us of God’s Law.
Everyday Reminders--God’s Law contains practical reminders of His people’s high calling.
No Distractions--The Law of God alone must guide our thinking and living.
Study to Learn--We must apply our minds to the study of God’s Law.
God’s Promises--The promises of God provide the incentive for obeying God’s Law. The Rule of Law: Government of the Mind (2) “Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the rules that the LORD your God commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the land to…
Know the Lord--The Law of God teaches us to know the Lord.
Always Vigilant--The heart, as we have seen, is deceitful and desperately wicked. Yet we must love God with all our heart, and to aid us in this calling He has provided His Law. The Rule of Law: Government of the Heart (7) We must keep a close watch on our…

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