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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
The Motive for Obedience--The meaning of God’s Law also provides the motive for our obedience. This should be especially so for the believer in Jesus Christ. The Rule of Law: First Things (1) The meaning of God’s Law also provides the motive for our obedience. T. M. Moore “When your…
The End of God’s Law--Learning to love God can be difficult – a bit like learning to delight in a dessert you’ve never tasted, a place you’ve never visited, or a person you’ve never met. The Rule of Law: First Things (4) We should fear what this God can do…
The General Intent of God’s Law--Our day has witnessed a diluting of the word, “love,” like no generation before us. The Rule of Law: First Things (3) The goal of God’s Law is to train us for love. T. M. Moore “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD…
The Scope of God’s Law--Before launching into a more detailed consideration of the benefits that come to those who submit to God’s Law as the rule of their lives, we should explain what we mean by this term. The Rule of Law: First Things (2) Jesus instituted a better covenant…
Only Two Options--The idea that God’s Law should rule the lives of human beings is hardly an agreeable notion – even to many Christians The Rule of Law: First Things (1) Everyone is ruled by some law, either God’s or from some other source. T. M. Moore And the LORD…
Demand Consistency--According to the Law of God, a man could only be beaten for transgression once his guilt had been duly determined, and then only if beating was the proper punishment for his offense.
All Things Good--Ask any public official whether he wants to do what is good for the people, and he will certainly respond, “Of course.” But how can we know what is good?
Public and Private--The paper currency of the The United States declares itself to be legal tender for all debts, public and private. The Law of God is of the same ilk.
To Check the Hubris of Leaders--Few vocations seem more designed to promote hubris on the part of men than that of political office.
A Lengthening of Prosperity--That a nation conforms its statutes, and their enforcement, to the teaching of God’s Law is no guarantee that the saving blessings of God will redound to that nation.
The Destruction of Nations--We have noted previously in this series that “transgression”, in Biblical language, indicates any violation of the Law of God (cf. 1 Jn. 3.4).
What Nations Desire--From the beginning of God’s giving His Law He intended that His people should bear witness to the surrounding nations of the wisdom and understanding of God by their obedience to His Law (cf. vv. 7, 8).
To Teach the Generation to Come--Every year, a significant proportion of teenagers, who have been raised in church all their lives, go off to college and begin the process of abandoning their childhood faith. Uses of the Law: To Guide Us in Doing Good (7) T. M. Moore He established…
Mostly Saved?--I laugh every time I hear Billy Crystal, in The Princess Bride, explain that Wesley is only “mostly dead.” Uses of the Law: To Guide Us in Doing Good (6) T. M. Moore For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works…
Ready for Every Good Work--When I played college football we spent an awful lot of time preparing for contingencies, based on what we understood about the particular opponent we were going to play. Uses of the Law: To Guide Us in Doing Good (5) T. M. Moore Remind them to…

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