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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
Unique and Only--In His Law God reveals that His people are to worship Him only.
The Self-revealing God--The Law of God defines sin, as we have seen; thus, it is lawful to use the Law of God to help us pursue lives of holiness, righteousness, and goodness ...
A Constant Guide--In order for the Church to make proper use of the Law of God as the defining standard of right and wrong, good and evil, it must first demonstrate the value of that Law in its own demeanor.
Even to Unbelievers--Believers, who have had little use for the Law of God in recent generations, will be even more suspect of the need to confront unbelievers with the Law as the defining standard of good and evil. How can we expect them to accept what we say about matters…
How Shall They Know?--The unbelieving world knows where its discomfort comes from in questions of morality: the Law of God.
Guilt, Shame, Fear--We know that sin is lawlessness; thus, the Law of God is a reliable means for helping us to understand what is and is not sin.
The Importance of Conscience--The Scriptures teach that the soul, or the spirit, of a human being is comprised of three interacting, overlapping, and wholly integrated components: heart (affections), mind (thoughts), and conscience (values, priorities).
Written on Our Hearts--How can we be sure that the Law of God is a reliable means for defining sin?
Putting the Spotlight on Sin--It’s not surprising that, in many churches today, we don’t hear much talk about sin.
Not According to the Gospel--Any teaching of the Law of God apart from the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is unlawful.
To Control Others--I suspect that one reason, perhaps the primary reason, most Christians today want little or nothing to do with the Law of God, and practice a studied ignorance of it, is that the Pharisees knew it so well.
A Substitute for Sound Teaching--We might suppose that the goal of the Law of God is that we should become good.

Vaunt Not

March 3, 2011
Vaunt Not--It is unlawful not to use the Law of God.
No Righteousness but Christ’s--The righteousness of Jesus Christ is the basis of our salvation.
Not unto Salvation--Many contemporary Christians apparently cannot think about the Law of God apart from salvation.

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