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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
No Double Standards--We are not to practice double standards. We must treat all people alike.
The Blinding Power of Sin--The law of sin at work within the human soul is so powerful, ...
Neither Steal nor Lie--In this statute we can see the interconnectedness of the Law of God, and why, if we break one of God’s Laws, we break them all.


February 10, 2011
Vows--A vow is a declaration of intent, made before and unto the Lord, to fulfill certain obligations, based on blessings or the promise of blessing God has provided.
Dabbling in the Lie?--The Lie insists either that God does not exist or He is not relevant to our lives in any meaningful way.
Do not Test the Lord--At Meribah and Massah Israel put God to the test.
Truthful, like God--God is a God of truth.

Utterly Destroy

February 6, 2011
Utterly Destroy--If possible, diplomacy should go ahead of war, to avoid conflict with neighboring peoples.
Exemptions from War--Here again a situation involving war is in view, and criteria are advanced for the preservation of the people and the nation.

Family First

February 4, 2011
Family First--We note here, first of all, that there were situations in which war was necessary and legitimate in ancient Israel.

Runaway Slaves

February 3, 2011
Runaway Slaves--Remember that slaves could marry and have a family.
A Different Institution--Slavery – here, probably something like indentured servitude – was an option for the poor.
Slaves and the Law--Here is another evidence of the fact that slavery in ancient Israel was not at all like the chattel slavery practiced in early America and elsewhere.
A Slave of One’s Daughter?--This is difficult to understand.
Indentured Servitude--Let’s notice a few things about slavery in ancient Israel which are hinted at in this text.

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