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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
Uncovering Nakedness (3)--We don’t have to understand all God’s commands completely in order to obey them faithfully.
Uncovering Nakedness (2)--Here is another example of how the home was designed to serve as a training-ground for moral living in society.
Uncovering Nakedness (1)--Sin begins in the heart, as we have seen already.

No Adultery

December 12, 2010
No Adultery--Essentially, adultery is any unlawful sexual activity.
An Attack on Life?--Such an assault as is described here is an attack on the very idea of life – a threat to a man’s legacy. The sixth commandment Deuteronomy 25.11, 12 “When men fight with one another and the wife of the one draws near to rescue her husband…
Protect Your Neighbors’ Wellbeing--Here is yet another way that neighbors exercised responsibility for one another’s wellbeing.
Loans and Pledges--Taking someone’s livelihood in pledge for a loan was absolutely forbidden
The Protection of Slaves--Slaves in ancient Israel enjoyed certain protections.
Cities of Refuge (4)--God knows the sinful tendencies of our hearts, and in His grace and wisdom, He also knows how to leave room for transformation to occur.
Cities of Refuge (3)--There will always be sin in our midst, always be death, and always be people against whom revenged should be enacted – at least, as the offended see it.
Cities of Refuge (2)--Note the role of the “congregation” in this. Justice was a community effort.
Cities of Refuge (1)--Israelites were not allowed to “rush to judgment” in a vengeful or passionate manner.
A Hint of Grace to Come?--However, note the hint of grace in this statute:
Individual Responsibility--Under the Law of God each person is responsible for his or her own conduct, and alone is to bear the judgment against sin.
Law in the Age of Grace--This lex talionis aspect of the Law of God was necessary in these days before the coming of the Gospel.

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