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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
The Protection of Women--Here we see how the Law of God protects women.

Life in the Womb

November 29, 2010
Life in the Womb--A child in the womb is presumed to be a person under the full protection of the Law of God.


November 28, 2010
Manslaughter--Here is a case of what we call manslaughter. The sixth commandment Exodus 21.12-14 “Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death. But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God let him fall into his hand, then I will appoint for…
Careful Deliberation--We can imagine that, in a community where such laws as this were read over and over – The sixth commandment Numbers 35.16-21 “But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death. And…
Motive and Intent--See how God Himself guards against hastily taking the life of one who is responsible for the death of another.

Life for Life

November 25, 2010
Life for Life--Retributive justice, including the death penalty, is required to restore righteousness and peace to the community and to quell inclinations to take revenge.

Guard Your Heart

November 24, 2010
Guard Your Heart--Murder begins in the heart, when men fail to guard their affections. The sixth commandment 6.1 You shall not hate We must not allow hate, in any form, to take root in our hearts or come to expression in our lives. Leviticus 19.17, 18 “You shall not hate…
Our Brothers’ Keepers--Life must be guarded by all as well.


November 22, 2010
Murder--God is the Giver of life; only He has the authority to take it, and to determine the lawful parameters within which men may do the same.
Stewards of Creation--Not even extreme situations sanction the wanton destruction of creation.


November 20, 2010
Conservation--Even the creation deserves a healthy measure of respect and honor from the people of God.

Honor Debtors

November 19, 2010
Honor Debtors--Even those who are in our debt are to be respected and honored appropriately.
For Failing to Stand--Standing is a way of showing deference, as if to give up one’s seat to the arriving person.
The Role of the King--This is not the first time God had told His people they could have a king.


November 16, 2010
Appeal--This provision is not exactly a form of appeal, but it’s easy enough to see how such a practice could derive from what we see here.

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