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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
Our Neighbor’s Keeper--Two principles are suggested by this statute. The eighth commandment Deuteronomy 23.24, 25 “‘If you go into your neighbor’s vineyard, you may eat your fill of grapes, as many as you wish, but you shall not put any in your bag. If you go into your neighbor’s standing…
Restoring Dead Animals--These statutes would seem to be addressed to a situation in which one person is responsible for the death of another’s animal, whether intentionally or unintentionally.


January 12, 2011
Restoration--It’s not hard to see how these statutes would both discourage stealing and restore justice when transgression had been committed.
The Guilt of Thieves--People have a right to defend their property against unlawful seizure.


January 10, 2011
Oppression--Robbery is a form of oppression in that it deprives a person of that which God has freely given him for use in seeking the Kingdom of God.
Even Animals Have Rights--Even creatures that “serve” us only indirectly – the songbirds which delight us, the scavengers which remove carrion, even the worms that aerate the soil – all are deserving of a measure of respect and care from their human overlords.
Breach of Trust--A “breach of trust” can occur over matters of personal property, whether because of injury or damage to the property, or loss or theft.
Care for the Levites--The Levites, including priests, were busy with the work of the Lord all day long and had but little time to care for their own physical needs.
Pledges and Wages--In ancient Israel it was considered a form of oppression either to withhold wages that were due or to cause a man to suffer because of his temporary need for assistance involving a pledge.
On Borrowing and Lending--Commentators differ as to whether what is meant by “interest” here is any interest at all or the exorbitant rates of usury.
Justice in the Small Stuff--We are responsible for goods held in trust for or borrowed from our neighbors, should they be stolen or should anything untoward happen to them while in our possession.
The Letter and Spirit of Law--God’s people ought to be able to disagree without rancor or violence.
A Brother’s Wife--This is a difficult statute for us to understand in our time and culture.
No Inheritance Taxes--Ancient Israelites knew nothing of the kind of inheritance taxes which have become typical in our society, and which are, in a very real sense, a form of government stealing from heirs.
Preventive Justice--These two statutes show that we must take care in the use of our own property that we not jeopardize the wellbeing of our neighbors by our own stewardship.

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