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In the Gates
Do Not Grow Weary--We have been redeemed to do good works. Uses of the Law: To Guide Us in Doing Good (4) T. M. Moore And let us not grow weary of doing good… Galatians 6.9 We have been redeemed to do good works. The Law of God defines, explains,…
Just like Jesus--Peter pointed to Jesus as the exemplar of good works. Jesus said He came to fulfill the Law (Matt. 5.17-19). So whatever Jesus did that was good – and everything Jesus did was good – was but the embodiment of the commandments of God, the same Law which…
The Greatest Good--We note here how Jesus combined the teaching of the Law and the Prophets, under the authority of His own Word, to conclude that the essence of what it means to do good is summed up in the two great commandments: love God and love your neighbor. Uses…
Why We Have Been Redeemed--You cannot be a Christian and be indifferent to doing good. Jesus did good, and He commanded His followers to do good. Uses of the Law: To Guide Us in Doing Good (1) T. M. Moore For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for…
A Sincere Faith--A “sincere faith” is, literally, a faith without hypocrisy, a faith informed by true teaching, motivated by a pure heart, and freely chosen as the path on which we choose to walk. A sincere faith reflects the sincere truth of God and the work of His Spirit, bringing…
A Good Conscience--The third facet of sound doctrine is a good conscience. The conscience is that aspect of the soul that nurtures and houses our values and priorities. It is thus the seat of the will. If our values, priorities, and will are good, then it follows that our walk…
A Pure Heart--The first facet of the jewel of sound doctrine is right understanding of the Word of God. Knowing God’s Law is absolutely crucial to achieving this first facet. So also with the second: a pure heart. Since the Law of God both defines and exposes sin and is…
Aimed at Love--Jesus taught that all the Law and the Prophets found their proper expression in the two-fold commandment of love for God and neighbor (Matt. 22.34-30). Thus, is it inconceivable that we could study the Law of God, read it through the filter of the Prophets and our Lord…
Guided by Faith--If we would be good stewards of God’s Word, able to understand and practice its teaching as God intends, we must be students of His Law, for the Law provides the cornerstone of all Scripture.
Stewarding the Word--We need to enlarge on the subject broached yesterday, namely, that of understanding, teaching, and practicing sound doctrine according to the teaching of the Apostles. Paul told the elders at Ephesus that he had been careful among them to teach them everything that was useful, all the counsel…
Biblical and Apostolic--We are continuing to examine the proper use of the Law of God in the life of faith. Paul says that “the law is good, if one uses it lawfully” (v. 8), and our desire is to consider just what such lawful uses of the Law might involve.
A Work of God’s Law--The Spirit of God is the Father’s great promise to His children, as Jesus explained. He gives us new life; he works in us unto sanctification and for the Kingdom; He will keep us unto the Day of Redemption. He is our great Treasure, Resource, and…
A Work of Power--We scarcely ever scratch the surface of what God by His Spirit is able to do in and through us. One reason this is so is a kind of naïve humility: we don’t want to think too highly of ourselves.
A Work of Warning--The Holy Spirit works with the Law of God from within His residence in our souls, illuminating and renewing our minds, cleansing our hearts, and fortifying our consciences to will what is upright and good.
A Work of Instruction--The Spirit of God is alone able to teach us the things that pertain to salvation: “Spirit of God, my Teacher Be!/Showing the things of Christ to me.”

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