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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

Like He Said

November 25, 2022
God's Word will not fail. Luke 1.39-56

Let It Be

November 24, 2022
We have a lot to learn from Mary. Luke 1.26-38

Failure of Faith

November 23, 2022
We can all learn from this. Luke 1.18-25


November 22, 2022
One who tells and one who is to come. Luke 1.5-17
Thank God for His written Word. Luke 1.1-4


November 20, 2022
Be sure to choose wisely. Psalm 119.169-176
What's a soul for? Psalm 119.175, 176
God's greatest gift, right there in His Word. Psalm 119.173, 174


November 17, 2022
New Kingdom, new language. Psalm 119.172
Where the Scriptures lead. Psalm 119.171

He Is Able

November 15, 2022
Psalm 119.169-176 (2)Pray Psalm 119.170.Let my supplication come before You;Deliver me according to Your word.Sing Psalm 119.169, 170.(Regent Square: Angels from the Realms of Glory)Let my cry come up before You, holy, righteous, loving Lord;give me understanding so to live according to Your Word.Let my prayer rise up before You;…
Prayer and Scripture go together. Psalm 119.169
How do you love the Lord and His Word? Psalm 119.161-168

All Our Ways

November 12, 2022
All His ways, too. Psalm 119.168

Hope and Do

November 11, 2022
And grow in love. Psalm 119.166

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