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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

Prayer Watches

October 26, 2022
Ready to pray? Always? Psalm 119.148

First Thing

October 25, 2022
Whenever you rise. Psalm 119.147
Here's how we know. Psalm 119.145, 146
It's what we all need. Psalm 119.142

Full Circle

October 22, 2022
It's righteousness, beginning to end. Psalm 119.144

Staying on Top

October 21, 2022
We don't have to crumble under trials. Psalm 119.143

No Small People

October 20, 2022
Everyone matters. Psalm 119.141, 142
Because it's pure. Psalm 119.140
Like Jesus was. Psalm 119.139
And aren't we glad? Psalm 119.137, 138
It's truly knowing Him. Psalm 119.129-136

Rain and Shine

October 15, 2022
Because we love God so much. Psalm 119.153, 136

Ransom Me

October 14, 2022
It's all grace. Psalm 119.134
If not Jesus, what? Psalm 119.133
Let Him see your love for Him. Psalm 119.132

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