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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

Word In

October 11, 2022
Where it can do its best work. Psalm 119.130, 131
A call to wonder. Psalm 119.129
It's time for us to act with God. Psalm 119.121-128


October 8, 2022
It's because of this. Psalm 119.128
Nothing compares to Jesus and His Word. Psalm 119.127

Time to Act!

October 6, 2022
God, through us. Psalm 119.126
In our appointed garden. Psalm 119.123, 124
But it's a workout getting at it. Psalm 119.123


October 3, 2022
And God stands behind it. Psalm 119.121, 122

Evil Days

October 2, 2022
Don't be overcome by evil. Psalm 119.113-120

Real Fear

October 1, 2022
Fearing God goes with loving Him. Psalm 119.120

Rejection Notice

September 30, 2022
You don't want to receive it. Psalm 119.118, 119

God Who Upholds

September 29, 2022
He holds us up and makes everything clear. Psalm 119.116, 117
Tell 'em to beat it. Psalm 119.115

Seeking. Go Hide.

September 27, 2022
The Lord is our shelter and shield. Psalm 119.114

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