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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
They can only lead to woe. Luke 6.24-26

The Good News

January 8, 2023
And it's really, really good. Luke 6.1-23
Nothing can stop it. Luke 6.22, 23
The Kingdom is the blessing. Luke 6.20, 21
What do people expect from us? Luke 6.17-19
And us. Luke 6.12-16

Sabbath Work

January 3, 2023
The Lord of the Sabbath knows how to work it. Luke 6.6-11
And everything else, for that matter. Luke 6.1-5

Think: New

January 1, 2023
The newness of Jesus astonished and amazed. Luke 5

Old and New

December 31, 2022
New wine, new hearts. Luke 5.32-39
Jesus was their healer and friend. Luke 5.27-31

Faith Visible

December 29, 2022
Do people see our faith? Luke 5.17-26
That's what we must do. Luke 5.12-16


December 27, 2022
Peter's calling and ours. Luke 5.4-11
Disciples make disciples this way. Luke 5.1-3

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