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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

Joy Revealed

February 23, 2023
At last! Luke 10.21-24
Make sure your joy is lodged here. Luke 10.17-20
We can handle rejection when it comes to Jesus. Luke 10.13-16
Are we in it? Luke 10.1-12
Kingdom fitness starts here. Luke 9.62
Either you are or you aren't. Luke 9.57-62
Jesus looks on the heart. Luke 9.46-50

Nosce Teipsum

February 16, 2023
Yeah. Know yourself. Luke 9.51-55

In Perspective

February 15, 2023
Hear Him, remember? Luke 9.43-45
And always on the prowl. Luke 9.37-42

Whom to Hear

February 13, 2023
The voice of Jesus, above all else. Luke 9.28-36
Jesus is the Kingdom. Luke 9.1-27

See the Kingdom

February 11, 2023
Jesus said we would. Luke 9.23.27
Who do you say Jesus is? Luke 9.18-22
Like we are, every day. Luke 9.14-17

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