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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

It Is Good

March 25, 2023
Some good at last. Ruth 2.20-23
The blessed one blesses. Ruth 2.17-19
A constant flow of grace. Ruth 2.14-16
All over Ruth. Ruth 2.8-13
Grace even affects our work! Ruth 2.4-7
These are not opposed, as Naomi learned. Ruth 2.1-3
Right where you'd expect it. Ruth 1
Where they should have been all along. Ruth 1.15-22
It's what love does. Ruth 1.10-14


March 16, 2023
Would they? Ruth 1.8, 9


March 15, 2023
A word from home. Ruth 1.6, 7

Left, Left

March 14, 2023
Bad to worse. Ruth 1.3-5
Ruth begins in disobedience. Ruth 1.1, 2
Don't mess with Him. Luke 11.14-54


March 11, 2023
This is the Kingdom way of life. Luke 11.37-54

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