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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Basically, everything. Luke 20.20-26
Of our lives and our churches. Luke 20.17-19
Rob God, pay the price. Luke 20.9-16
Jesus is His own authority. Luke 20.1-8
He's seeking all of this in us. Luke 19
It can be our heart, too. Luke 19.41-48
Everything will praise the Lord. Luke 19.35-40
It always is. Luke 19.28-34
A reckoning is coming. Luke 19.15-27
We have work to do. Luke 19.11-14
It's all there with Zacchaeus. Luke 19.1-10
Lots of good lessons here. Luke 18.6-8
Prayer spreads the glory of God. Luke 18.35-43
No limits, to be concise. Luke 18.24-34
Are you seeking Jesus? Luke 18.18-23

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