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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

The Four Soils

January 24, 2023
Which one are you? Luke 8.4-15
The Gospel Jesus preached. Luke 8.1-3
Jesus, the Wisdom of God. Luke 7
Whenever we come seeking it. Luke 7.36-50
Jesus had it. Luke 7.29-35
Jesus commends John. And how. Luke 7.18-28
Witness, glory, and the fear of God. Luke 7.16, 17
For all our times of need! Luke 7.11-15
Such as we all can have. Luke 7.1-10
It's what defines a Jesus follower. Luke 6.27-49
It takes both. Luke 6.46-49

Good Fruit

January 13, 2023
Good fruit comes from a good heart. Luke 6.43-45

Judging Others

January 12, 2023
Make sure you do it righteously. Luke 6.37-42
God is your return. Luke 6.32-36
Even your enemies are your neighbor. Luke 6.27-31

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