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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


June 19, 2020
Daniel's vision reaches all the way to us.


June 17, 2020
David's was a career of restorations.


June 15, 2020
Joshua continues to develop the template of restoration.


June 12, 2020
God's grace goes before us for restoration.


June 10, 2020
A pattern of restoration begins with Noah.
The groaning creation is waiting.
Our mandate reaches to all aspects of culture.
This is the way to love.
God works for this, and so must we.
We can't just sit by and watch this.
Sin pervades and corrupts everything.
He still wants His world the way it's supposed to be.
We need to master two disciplines.
What in heaven is Jesus doing on earth?
We do it all the time.

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