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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
We have all the power we need.
Here's how to silence those who oppose the Lord.
We must make the most of our opportunities.

Sow the Word

September 25, 2020
We are all called to be teachers.

Shepherd the Soul

September 23, 2020
We are called to the good works of one-anothering.
Jesus served, and so must we.
Loving our neighbors requires initiative.
Neighbor love begins in the household of faith.

Loving God: Review

September 14, 2020
We can all grow in love for God.
We need to master four disciplines.
Paul gives us four goals for our Personal Mission Field.
As you are going, there's work to do.
He has called us to work.
We love God by helping others love Him, too.
Look for it, and get ready for it.

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