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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


January 18, 2021
We are more than stardust. Much more.


January 15, 2021
Secularism is humanism's first-born.


January 13, 2021
Is man the measure of all things?
We need to be able to recognize these.
We need to check the charts daily.
The world can't get away from God's truth.
They must be discerned.
Three key questions to keep in mind at all times.
Set your soul for smooth sailing.
We must learn to recognize this Wind.

Deceptive Winds

December 25, 2020
They're always blowing around and against us.
Yes, that will be glory.
Yes, that will be glory.
We can see Jesus through His works.
Multitudes of angels serve Him - and us.

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