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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Christ Enthroned

December 11, 2020
It's all there in Scripture. Have a look.

Christ Ascended

December 9, 2020
The vision of Christ in glory begins here.
If we would see Jesus, we must believe.
See Jesus on the cross for you.
One driving concern on His mind.

The Poetic Jesus

November 30, 2020
He's the poet, and we're the poems.
And full of understanding.
See Him seeing you with compassion.

The Strong Jesus

November 23, 2020
The spiritual strength of Jesus is in His Word.
Jesus invites you to be with Him.
We're all theologians.
Looking to Jesus can be delightful.
One more crucial facet of the glory in Jesus' face.


November 11, 2020
See Jesus in His glory.
He's looking diligently in love.

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