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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
God gives a richer, fuller experience of life in revival.
God has given us a guide in seeking Him for revival. Let's learn to use it.
Let's not be the cause of real Dark Ages.
Celtic Christians learned Jesus from the world around them.
Celtic Christians knew Christ, and they knew He meant business.
Let's apply what we've been learning about knowing Jesus.
Here's how we connect our studies to Jesus.
Begin with Jesus and you will end with Him.

Learning Jesus

February 17, 2020
Time for a review and a quick preview.
Science offers many opportunities for enriching conversations.
Using science as God intends can help us grow in the knowledge of Christ.

Engaging Science

February 10, 2020
We're taking every thought captive for Christ.
What can ecology teach us?

Every Good Gift

February 5, 2020
Wonders abound, and science can help us see them.

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