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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
See His beauty, live His goodness.
Look through troubled times to the coming of the Kingdom.
God is waiting for us to pray.
Sometimes those most captive don't recognize or acknowledge it.
Is it time for God to arise?
We need revival to restore the honor of God.
God is mighty to save and to revive.
It's what we're made for.
Rebellion against truth leads to a life of lies.
Why is there so little love in the world?
If we want it, we must seek it.
We will not seek revival until we understand and desire it.

Our Work

March 13, 2020
God uses our work to bring about revival. Do we know what our work is?

God's Work

March 11, 2020
We can't program our way into revival.
We are the greatest obstacle to revival.

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