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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor


October 4, 2017
The third member of the shepherding team.


October 3, 2017
Elders are the shepherds of souls.
God has appointed the pastoral office.
The church needs both kinds of offices.
Here is the "chief sinew" of the Body of Christ.

Head of the Church

September 29, 2017
Pastors and elders must show Christ to their churches.

Public and Private

September 28, 2017
Pastors and elders are called to minister the Word.
In healthy churches, every member serves.

Resisting Disunity

September 26, 2017
There is more to unite than divide us.
The goal of preaching and teaching is fruit.

Not without Fruit

September 24, 2017
Here is the true mark of a church.

Who Belongs Here?

September 23, 2017
Not everyone can be a church member.
The church is not merely local.
The pastor's job is to equip.

Shared Benefits

September 20, 2017
The church is the breeding-ground for ministry.

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