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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor

"You Follow Me!"

September 4, 2017
Each of us has a unique calling from the Lord.

Free Indeed

September 3, 2017
Those who are truly free, freely serve.
We're not saved by them, but we're not saved without them.
The Christian is the servant of all.
The Christian is the servant of all.
Truly good works flow from good souls.
Not by works, but unto them.
We glorify God by good works.

Ministers All

August 28, 2017
Luther explains the priesthood of all believers.
Our power is spiritual, but real.

Most Obedient

August 26, 2017
We are free in Christ to serve.
Are they precious and very great to us?
Are we hearing the Word as God intends?
The Word of God is indispensable.
The Christian is the slave of no man, and the servant of all.

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