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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor
Where you have a church, you have fruit.

Blinking at Sin

November 16, 2017
Healthy, growing churches don't blink at sin.
Mature churches don't have fleshly values.

Fearful Churches

November 14, 2017
Healthy, growing churches fear what they should.
Continuing in Christ doesn't just happen.
Healthy, growing churches love what they should.
Here is the true unity we seek.
Unity can convince the most unconvinced.

Practical Unity

November 10, 2017
Our unity should be visible.
No church can grow without unity.
See the Kingdom, then seek it.
We need a common, compelling vision of Christ.
Unity is the first mark of a healthy, growing church.
We must equip the saints to redeem the time.

Sent to Sow

November 4, 2017
We must all know how to handle the Word.

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