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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor

Show Me Now!

December 17, 2017
Our neighbors need to see Christ as well as hear of Him.
We are an open book to our unbelieving neighbors.
Prayer for revival must begin with us.

Aiming Too Low?

December 14, 2017
Does our vision of the Church line up with God's?
When? Always.

First, Pray

December 12, 2017
Revival begins here.
Our season of excitement is waning; we need revival.

Love One Another

December 10, 2017
The new commandment guides our love in the church.
Who are neighbors to the needy?

If We Love God

December 8, 2017
Here's how to know if we're growing in love for God.
We're either working for this, or we're failing.
In your preaching, aim at love.

Beauty and Joy

December 5, 2017
The church is Jesus to its community.
Here is the goal for church health and growth.

Dust and Stones

December 3, 2017
Every church member matters to God. Do they matter to us?

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