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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor
Every church member needs a shepherd.
Shepherding involves specific tasks, faithfully undertaken and fulfilled.
God's work, God's way.
God's shepherds have one primary task.
Here is the key to church growth, Jesus' way.
From a platform of unity, churches can grow on to maturity in Christ.
We know we need it, but are we willing to work hard at it?
What is the true measure of a church?
Ours is a mission of peace.
Peace must be a disciple-making priority.
Worship is where we celebrate our peace and are renewed in it.
No wonder this is top priority for God's churches.
Peace is God's third priority for His churches.
Why does God show us such grace?
Let's make sure we mean what we say.

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