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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor
One objective above all must guide our ministries.

The Hope of Glory

September 12, 2019
In the church, the hope of glory becomes the reality of glory.

What We Seek

September 5, 2019
What is the goal of pastoral ministry?
Special Labor Day edition.
We must allow captivity to become the new normal.
God will remember. Will we?
If you sense your church has fallen into captivity, the psalms can help you dig out.
Your church might be captive if...
We must be on guard against deceitful winds.
We need to get back to Jesus in everything.
Have we become a church captive in our day?
Francis Schaeffer decried the Church's captivity to the naturalism of the age.
Liberalism took the Church captive to modern thought.
Some folks just don't want anything to change. Edwards has a word for you.
Captivity comes by degrees, not suddenly.

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