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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor
We say it all the time, but do we know what it means?
A healthy church is where Jesus is, doing what Jesus does.
Evangelizing a community takes a community.

Ministers All

November 29, 2017
When you see this, you'll know your church is healthy.

Gifted to Serve

November 28, 2017
Every church member is gifted for ministry.

Every Joint

November 27, 2017
Your church may be active, but is it healthy?
If we do our part, the Lord will do His.

Truth to Power

November 25, 2017
We must not imprison the Law of God.

Launch Out

November 24, 2017
We must go to where our unbelieving neighbors are.
We are witnesses to our community.
Church discipline begins among the members of the church.
Speaking truth in love begins within the Body of Christ.
Healthy churches have the right paradigm for witness.

Pagan Porridge

November 19, 2017
Healthy churches do church God's way.
Healthy churches persevere; they don't die.

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