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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium


October 9, 2016
Into the promised land at last.

Second Chance

October 8, 2016
A new opportunity for a new generation: Deuteronomy.
Numbers brings Israel to the brink of the land.
Leviticus provides the means for Israel to be holy.
God gives His people His Law of love.


October 4, 2016
Moses leads God's people to freedom.
After 400 years, God renews His covenant with Israel.

Joseph (2)

October 2, 2016
In God's plan and power, it's all good.

Joseph (1)

October 1, 2016
Joseph is a man of true faith.


September 30, 2016
Meet a man a lot like you and me - loved in spite of himself.
Isaac takes his place in God's covenant.
God leads His people by very great promises.
God's covenant is greater even than sin.
Genesis is like the first chapter of a great novel: It's all there.
What God promises, God fulfills.

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