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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Paul launches the Gospel into a new key center.

God's Timing

August 9, 2016
Enter Apollos.
On the move, at work in ministry - Paul.
So what else is new?
Good advice for Christian witnesses.

Settling In

August 5, 2016
Paul takes up residence and work in Corinth.
Expect these responses to the Gospel.
The art of communicating the Gospel herein revealed.
Paul and Jesus show us what it means to seek the lost.
Wherever they went, the left the Word behind.
This is the meaning of life in the Kingdom.
The ongoing work of Christ comes to Thessalonica.
Paul humbled the magistrates who treated him unjustly.
Salvation is proved in good works of love.
Is this how you and I would have responded?

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