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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium


October 25, 2016
Elisha reveals the heart of God toward the nations.


October 24, 2016
Elijah set the tone and pace for all the prophets of Israel.

Legacy Lost

October 23, 2016
Two kings, two botched opportunities.
Too late for Israel, but not for Solomon.
The high water mark of Israel's kingdom.
Solomon comes to the throne, and to wisdom.

A King's Legacy

October 19, 2016
David set Solomon up for success.

David's Reign

October 18, 2016
David's kingdom foreshadows a greater Kingdom to come.

David Ascendant

October 17, 2016
David's patience and faith come to fruition.

False Start

October 15, 2016
Saul as king was the wrong way to go.


October 14, 2016
The period of judges enters the beginning of its end.


October 13, 2016
God's faithfulness continues amid unfaithfulness.


October 12, 2016
Israel at the end of Judges was exhausted.


October 11, 2016
He started well, but finished poorly.
Judges begins in confusion, and goes downhill from there.

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