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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
First things first - and always.


November 8, 2016
Daniel saw the coming Kingdom.


November 7, 2016
Ezekiel prophesied early in the exile of Israel.


November 6, 2016
God promises more to come.

Jeremiah (2)

November 5, 2016
Is there a place for lamentation in the church today?

Jeremiah (1)

November 4, 2016
A solo voice in a desperate time.
The end comes on a promising note.


November 2, 2016
Great start, not a great ending.
Judah's good kings did what was right.
Judah's heart beat with God's at first.

Dead End

October 30, 2016
The tragic story concludes.


October 29, 2016
Micah reveals God's plan for restoration.


October 28, 2016
In Amos we see the scope of God's covenant.


October 27, 2016
We witness by our lives and our words.
The nations are not outside the reach of God's covenant.

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