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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today?The Spirit uses the Law to strive with men and woo them.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today? God’s Spirit brings out the full intention and application of the Law.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? When we learn God’s Law from His Spirit, holiness is the result.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today?Interpreting God’s Law is only living in the Spirit of God.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers You cannot seek the Kingdom apart from the Law of God. How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today? “Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least…
The Law of God: Questions and Answers God’s Law is good even for those who don’t think so! How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today?

Step by Step

April 17, 2015
The Law of God: Questions and Answers Learn the Law one step at a time. How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today?
The Law of God: Questions and Answers You cannot be filled with the Spirit apart from God’s Law. How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today?
The Law of God: Questions and Answers We will delight in the Law of God when we meet the Lord there. How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today?
The Law of God: Questions and Answers Read, meditate on, and talk about the Law of God. How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today?
The Law of God: Questions and Answers Interpreting God’s Law is the duty of all citizens of the Kingdom of God. How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today?


April 12, 2015
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today? We have much to learn from our forebears about interpreting God’s Law.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today? The Law of God is the acorn to the oak of Scripture. And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.…
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today? Jesus is the last word on the Law of God.

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