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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
The Law of God: Questions and Answers By the Law comes the knowledge of God. Of what use, really, is the Law of God?

A Constant Guide

February 22, 2015
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law is the Christian’s “core curriculum.”
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law indicts the sin even of unbelievers.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law provides the antidote to moral relativism.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law makes conviction possible.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law resonates with the conscience of every person. Of what use, really, is the Law of God?
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The works of the Law are written on the heart of every person.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers By the Law comes the knowledge of sin.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law is part of the Gospel, not its opposite.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law is not a tool for controlling others.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law must be part of sound teaching.

Vaunt No

February 12, 2015
The Law of God: Questions and Answers We must not use the Law to vaunt ourselves.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law must define the fruit which issues from our salvation.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law will not save us. Of what use, really, is the Law of God?
The Law of God: Questions and Answers The Law has many uses, if we use it lawfully.

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