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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? Paul shows us how to gain the perfect liberty available in the Law of God.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? How could Paul, contrary to God’s Law, send a slave back to his master?
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? Even the Law of God understood that slavery was not to be the norm.
Pointing to Freedom The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? Paul did not minimize the power of suggestion to bring about change in the Spirit.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? Paul was not double-minded, but far-sighted, where slavery was concerned.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today? In Christ and the Kingdom, the institution of slavery was doomed.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today? In ancient Israel, slavery was a means of grace.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply the Law of God today? Other principles yet remain from the religious laws of Israel.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? Other Old Covenant laws guide the orderly work of churches today.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? God’s people are called to support their pastors.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? Two principles continue from the ancient laws regarding priests.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? Jesus Christ has brought the offices of priest and Levite to an end.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? The Law which established pastoral ministry also established the support of it.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? The Law of God establishes the office of the priest/pastor.
The Law of God: Questions and Answers How shall we understand and apply God’s Law today? Interpreting God’s Law requires the mind of Christ.

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