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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
They were. Are we?
Can you imagine it?
It's where we should live.
That's what you are.
Can we hear it? Do we care?


February 23, 2021
Curiosity can envision truth in life.

Steady Wind

February 18, 2021
It's always blowing, but we need to seek it.

Give Thanks

February 16, 2021
So simple, yet so hard.


February 11, 2021
Three ways to practice your self-watch.

Face of Glory

February 9, 2021
Waiting for you.

A Time of War

February 4, 2021
And we need to be ready.

Know Yourself?

February 2, 2021
If we did, we'd agree with Patrick and Paul.
Aspire to greatness!

Divine Cuisine

January 26, 2021
Eat what God recommends.

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