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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Which Whatever?

October 12, 2021
It matters, it really does.
Giving all you have for Jesus.
And well worth seeking.


September 30, 2021
How salty are we?

Stiller of Storms

September 28, 2021
Even those that blow against your peace.
If we're not hungry for it, something's wrong.

Ready to Die?

September 21, 2021
What is the state of the Church in our day?

Kingdom Troubles

September 16, 2021
Jesus promised we would have them.

Honor Others

September 14, 2021
We need the Law of God.
If we have faith, everyone will know.

Empowering Faith

September 7, 2021
It comes from taking God at His Word.

Dark Counsel

August 31, 2021
Faith first, then reason.
We need more of this in our prayers.
Even the distasteful ones.

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