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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Which agenda guides your daily life?
What does your soul desire above all?

Joy in Silence

September 29, 2020
You have to go here to know real joy.

Keep Your Heart

September 24, 2020
The heart is the heart of the matter.

Word and Deed

September 22, 2020
Our witness is with both.

More, Always More

September 17, 2020
We have a great salvation!

Wretched Folk All

September 15, 2020
It's a bent we must resist.
It's a gift to suffer with Jesus.
Jesus and Colum Cille can teach us.

Why Not Now?

September 3, 2020
If He's available, shouldn't we be?
How precious and very great are the promises you live for?
If you want to really live, you have to really die.

Go among Them

August 25, 2020
And show them Jesus.
He is with us always. Thanks be to God.
We should follow Patrick's example.

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