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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
How do you measure your own faith?
Where are the faithful Patricks of our day?
We should not neglect our Christian past.
We are going to have to earn our way back to the table.
If the living and active Word is in you, you'll know it.
He must have felt like a pretty obscure ambassador.
Are we serious about growing in the Lord?
This must be more important than we know.
Would you desire God more?
Are you ready to guard the faith of Christ?
God promises; we work to prepare.
Jesus Christ is the what you should hope for.

True Knowing

February 13, 2012
True knowing is knowing the Lord.
Visit The Ailbe Seminary for exciting new opportunities in online theological training.

What to Love

February 8, 2012
If you're serious about learning, I'd like to hear from you.

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