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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Slam Dunk

August 17, 2012
You can see it coming from half court.
He is everywhere sovereign and everywhere merciful.
Faith and holiness begin in the heart.
Worship must be learned.
Just so the life of faith.
What expectations do you hold out for the future?
Celtic Christians changed their world.
We need a faithful few like this in our day.

Loving God

July 30, 2012
The love of God affects every other affection of our hearts.
I have a little confession to make.
When God's people leave off doing things His way, the glory of God begins to pack its bags.
Challenge every Christian man you know to get serious about prayer. (Read on.)
Help us start a movement of men praying! (See on.)
God has called you to learn Jesus. He also calls each of us to teach.
God Who named the stars has also assigned names to us.

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