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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Soul Friends

December 27, 2012
A soul friend can lighten the load and brighten your life.

Cease Striving

December 24, 2012
Struggling with something today?

Voices Together

December 21, 2012
The poetry of the psalms makes our prayers delightful to express.
Are you nurturing your conscience?

To Slay the Lie

December 17, 2012
We must prepare well every day.
There is power in song to exalt, embolden, and ennoble the soul.

Feed on the Word

December 12, 2012
Colum feasted on God’s Word, and particularly His Law.

Bright Deeds

December 10, 2012
We are to be witnesses for Christ, not just “go witnessing.”
We are sustained and supported by grace alone.
We should be perched on the brink of eternity at all times.
The human soul is fraught with potential for the beauty of Christ.

O God, Defend Me

November 30, 2012
Find your own breastplate song to try on for today.
What "good things" are keeping you God's truth?
Why is the true faith of American Christians not real?
Evil doesn't always look evil.

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