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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Politics won't get us all the way to the Kingdom of God.


December 30, 2011
Victorious Brigid did not love the world:/she perched in it like a bird on a cliff.   - Broccan the Crooked, Hymn to Saint Brigid (Irish, 7th century) For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.   - Philippians 1.21 One of my favorite contemporary artists…

Teary New Year

December 28, 2011
How big is your bottle?
I have a recommendation for improving your spiritual disciplines during the year to come.
Jesus lived and died to give us the Kingdom.
Something about that phrase excites me.
Holiness and love go together.
These days, everything that's old - traditional - is out.


December 12, 2011
Does this betray a kind of discontent in our souls?
What did Columbanus have in mind?
Seek the wealth that is above.
Ponder this, meditate deeply and long on the reality of it.
What are heavenly desires, anyway?
The Christian life, you see, is really fairly simple.


November 14, 2011
How are your own study habits?

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