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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Are you on a trajectory of growth in the Lord?

When, Indeed?

January 27, 2014
Have you learned the joy of coming into the Lord's presence?
Which promises guide your life each day?

Dying to Live

January 22, 2014
If you want to live, you have to die first.

Streaming In?

January 20, 2014
Do we believe God's Word enough to obey it?
How can we prepare to be better witnesses for the Lord?
Here's a New Year's challenge that will be good for you.
We are ambassadors of the King of kings.

Open Our Eyes!

January 10, 2014
Are you seeing what God wants you to see?
We'll have to give an account of our stewardship of truth.
Our forebears are speaking. Do we care to listen?
Where should you serve the Lord? Right where you are.
Doctrine, after all, is the way to grace.
Learning is at the heart of true discipleship.
God is calling. Are we willing to follow?

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