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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Do Without?

August 27, 2014
Will we follow Jesus or our covetous age?
Fairest Lord Jesus is also furious Lord Jesus.

Sin's Power

August 22, 2014
Sin too negative to think about? Think again.
Your capacity for faith is directly related to your zeal for the Lord.
Are you a Christian? How do you know?
If you could see the face of Jesus, would you?

A Time of War

August 11, 2014
Are we fighting for the Kingdom?
Let's face it: We're no better than they.
The Lord seeks faithfulness from us, especially in the least of things.
God has set the table. Are we ready to eat?
When temptations rise, what will you do?
This world is passing away. Don't get stuck with it.
God's Word - Is it your treasure?
Come, let us sing to the Lord!
In the life of faith, God's expectations matter most.

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