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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
There's always more to know and enjoy in Christ.
Which promises are you pursuing?
Why did people "stream up" to Irish monasteries?
In prayer we prepare for our witness.
Christianity: status quo or truth?
You're a walking powder keg of power. Yes, you!
What expectations rule your life?

Good Riddance!

February 16, 2015
That little light of yours? Shining?
Don't just go along to get along.
We're called to act with discretion in the Lord.
What legacy are you leaving to the people you see each day?

Word and Deed

February 4, 2015
Are you working your Personal Mission Field - like Patrick?
Kingdom greatness begins where you are. Read to the end...
We're all missionaries, all sent like Jesus.
They're out there, waiting for you, waiting to help.

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