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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

God at Work in You

September 23, 2013
Are you furnishing the work room of your soul?

Do Without?

September 20, 2013
What does it mean to follow Jesus?
The Jesus of the loving face is only half the story.

Slow Poison

September 16, 2013
Sin is slow poison.
How would you describe your zeal and capacity for the Lord?

Gospel Gossip

September 6, 2013
How do we measure our faith?
Wisdom is life rightly lived.
We have no strength at all apart from the Lord.
Pray that God would feed us on tears.

Stand Firm

August 28, 2013
Fortifying the conscience is daily work.
Why have we been redeemed?
Columbanus was not popular, and he didn't care.
We can do something.
When are we following Jesus?
The life of faith is a continuous struggle.

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