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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Cultural Taste

October 25, 2011
When it comes to cultural choice, learn to choose wisely.


October 23, 2011
The citizens of the Kingdom of God will make and use culture.
What else do we know that we should be sharing with our neighbors, but aren’t?
The Kingdom of God matters with respect to culture.
Once the concept is effectively shelved, where will that leave us?
We all participate in a variety of cultures.
Nothing is insignificant in the Kingdom of God.
That sounds like the teaching style of Jesus.

Got Culture?

September 27, 2011
Culture is much more extensive and important than we think.

A Promise of Glory

September 25, 2011
Seek the glory of God first and always.
Don't let secular researchers cram you into their mold.

Atheism Ascendant?

September 20, 2011
Atheism is not good news for this or any society.
Behind that curtain of bluster and pseudo-sophistication, there is a fool.
Americans have this thing about their public schools.
There's more to Christian education than going to Bible classes.

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